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Hosta pandora's box

Hosta pandora's box

Hosta Pandora's box
Hosta Pandora's boxHosta Pandora's box
Hosta Pandora's boxHosta Pandora's box
Hosta Pandora's boxHosta Pandora's box
Hosta Pandora's boxHosta Pandora's box
Hosta Pandora's box
ref. 11080



Coming from a hybridization of Hosta Baby bunting.

Miniature hosta.

Height : about 10/15 cm.

Width :  about 25/30 cm.

Dimensions of the leaves :  about 5 x 4 cm.

The heart-shaped corrugated leaves are creamy white colored in the middle and dark green colored on the sides. It can perfectly be a plant that goes with bonsaī trees.

Purple flowers on white toned stems in July.

Big rhizome delivered in a 1 liter plastic pot.